Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary NYC!!

I made it!! One year ago today, I packed 3 bags, jumped on a plane, and moved to New York City. I didn't have a place to live or know exactly where I would work, but I knew I wanted to make my home in Brooklyn and wanted to work in a hotel in Manhattan. I did exactly that, I have an apartment and a job that I love so much. Chili and I officially survived all of the seasons and loved every minute of it. I am looking forward to all that the next year brings.

Cheers NYC!


Kristen said...

This makes me want to come back to NYC so bad!!!!!

Rachel said...

I can't believe it has been a year! Time flies!

LV said...

CONGRATSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Wow it's a year, alright! So fast! So happy for you, my little Amber. You deserve being very very happy and I'm proud of you for doing it. Hope each year gets better and better!