Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Thank you America for realizing what needed to be done and voting for the best man for the job, Obama! History was made yesterday, we elected our first African American President and more than 3.5 million NEW voters went out and got there voices heard! America needs a change and change is here for sure!

Last night at work we were glued to,, and, we kept watch on the state-by-state results and it soon became clear that Obama was had the majority vote. When I got out of work at 11:00 p.m., people were packed in bars screaming, others were cheering in the streets, and cars were honking horns non-stop. It was amazing, I had never seen anything like it. I made my way back to Brooklyn and walked to some bars in the Fort Greene area. The streets were packed with Obama supporters celebrating in the streets. I had a constant smile on my face and chills running up and down my body. This was such an amazing experience and I am proud to be apart of such a historical time in US history.

Here are some pics and videos that I took last night, enjoy!

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